Note From Pastor Search Committee
September 25, 2024
Good Day First Baptist Church,
We continue to ask for and seek the Lord’s guidance through this pastor search process. We are confident that God has the person for First Baptist Church Kernersville already determined and we, as a committee and a congregation, must stay diligent in prayer and patient that God will present them to us in His time. We have recently revamped the job posting and sought additional avenues to post it as we continue to strive to find the person that God has for us. The Pastor Search Committee is active in reviewing resumes, evaluating candidates, and conducting interviews of prospects while praying for discernment and the Holy Spirit’s wisdom. We fully believe that the future pastor and his family must have an absolute certainty in their sense of calling to our church as well as we must have that same feeling of God’s direction.
John Blake
Chairperson, Pastor Search Committee
Interim Music Minister
Tiffany Spurrier
Children/Youth Coordinator
Phone: 336.993.2577, ext. 105