Music and Worship
FBC is proud of its strong and varied Music Ministry. Several choirs and ensembles provide worship music for worship services in a variety of styles. The Music Ministry here enhances the life of the church through its contribution to worship and fellowship.

Chancel Choir
This worship choir provides traditional choral music for our worship service each Sunday. Seasonal contatas are also presented each Easter and Christmas. We sing SATB parts and encourage anyone who enjoys singing to join us at rehearsals each Wednesday night at 7:30pm.

We are blessed with very talented and dedicated pianists and organists whose gifts enhance all services. A pipe organ is the beautiful centerpiece of our sanctuary.

The Handbell Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:15pm. There are around eight performances per year, especially during holidays.

Maybe you can’t carry a tune in a bucket but have a knack for technical gadgets. Help our Audio/Visual team! These dedicated individuals make sure all is seen and heard for our weekly services and special musical performances.