First Baptist Church is committed to loving and serving God by loving and serving others. Raising up disciples of Jesus Christ who are excited about being on mission with God is at the heart of all that we do.
We affirm the many ways that God has gifted both women and men to serve – as teachers, leaders, deacons, and pastors. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey with Christ, we would love to serve and journey with you.

What to expect when you visit
Sunday School classes begin at 9:15am, and worship is at 10:30am. Our worship service is traditional, and while most people dress “business casual,” you are always welcome to come as you are!

Something for everyone
We offer Sunday School for all ages, and Nursery for infants to 5 year olds during worship. We also have activity bags available at the front desk for children who are joining us in worship.

We’re happy to help! You can reach us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 336-993-2577.